Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Remember that last post I did about YA and how I don't enjoy reading it sometimes and what not. And how they whine and don't pay attention? Yeah well they did all the jazz in book 4 Feast of Fools but I'll be damned if I don't want to rush off and grab book 5. Ms. Caine is evil with the cliff hanger endings just evil!

So yeah I'll be picking that book up ASAP b/c I just can't stand sitting her wondering what's going to happen. Then I have to wait until freakin June for book 6.

Just in case you didn't know this about me I'll warn you. I CAN'T STAND IT WHEN I CATCH UP TO A SERIES and have to wait for the next book. Which is why I am usually always a few books behind everyone else. IT BLOWS

Anywho review to follow this week.


  1. Renee said...
    Oh, I know the feeling. I've got Lord of Misrule on my shelves. Rachel Caine does it every time! It's the danged cliffhangers that get me every time! At least she has the one in June and another in November.
    Sarai said...
    Do we know how long this series will last? Is there an end in sight?

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