Friday, August 15, 2008

out of myself last night. Lord so I'm reading a low red moon at home and its definately not one I should read before bed b/c *shudder* that is some messed up crap.

Moving on... Started Beneath a Marble Sky by John Shors. I got this suggestion from Naida and thought I love India so lets give it a whirl. Not far into b/c I had a short lunch today but basically we are getting the story told from the grandmother to her granddaughters of what happened to her and how she went from a princess to a fisherman's wife.

Right now we are seeing what her life was like in the palace and how she grew up. Very interesting it also hints about the love her father the emperor had for her mother a bead seller.
I am digging it so far will let you know as it goes.


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