Friday, August 15, 2008

So J Kaye did a challenge and I said oh hell I must join so here I am joining b/c I can't suffer alone and I really do need to stop buying books. LOL

So here are the rules to help curb the spending madness.Guidelines for the 2008 Ban on Book Challenge:

1. No purchasing books for yourself until all the books listed are gone. No purchasing books for other people with the intention of reading them after they are finished. Library or other borrowed books can’t be listed.

2. Any books won in a raffle or given to me as a gift will be added to this list.

3. Books to be reviewed for promo companies, other blogs, authors, etc. do not count and are not added to this list.

4. Start anytime and list as many or as few books as needed. Once all books are checked off from the list, the ban is lifted and the spending can begin again.

5. The ending date for each person can vary to a few weeks or months as long as it doesn’t exceed December 31, 2008. This ban can be lifted earlier if all books listed have been read or donated.

6. If you don't have a blog and would like to still join, list your books in the comment section below.

List to follow tonight!!! Or tomorrow depends how volleyball goes. In other words come join me!


  1. Anonymous said...
    Thank you so much for joining! I am so glad I won't be alone. :) Now that I have my list, I am going to get a move on to get these books read. Still can't believe I have so many.
    Shaymless Aymless said...
    ACK! No spend $$ on books. Its so hard! Probably a good idea though.

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