Saturday, August 30, 2008

But it wasn't one on the list nor was it one I was bragging about reading...

Small Changes Big Results a 12 week action plan to a better life by Ellie Krieger. It was interesting to say the least. I have to admit it does explain the reason for switching to healthier foods and why those changes are needed. It also doesn't stress that you HAVE TO DO THIS TO BE THIN. In fact it focuses more on listening to your body and understanding what it is tell you. For example when you eat out at a resturant you should eat slowly and stop when you are full. Otherwise you become OVERFUL with = gaining weight. It also focused on working out and how to help with stressful situations.

It also does what the title says it does. It gives you small changes that you can make over a 12 week time period in order to eat healthy, live healthy and exercise without feeling like you are making these HUGE changes at once and end up quitting b/c you failed.

All and all if you are looking for a book to help you understand that weight loss is more than just eating well but encompasses a group of things this is a book you should look into.

However, since I work out regularly and usually don't have issues with stress, my main issue is food, it didn't really help too much. Instead (if this is the case for you like me) I recommend her cook book The food you Crave (Because that book TOTALLY ROCKS)

1 Comment:

  1. Christine said...
    This book sounds really good. I hope you share some insights with us over the next 12 weeks! Personally, I'm looking forward to my girls going back to school on Thursday so I can get back to my regular schedule at the gym. I have barely been there this month.

    p.s. I love this layout! =)

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