Thursday, July 31, 2008
So found this online and had to share. Now personally I'm a Twilight fan and New Moon Fan but that's it. I didn't care for Eclipse and more then likely will pass on Breaking Dawn
Anywho this cracked me up!:
Martha Brockenbrough Explains Why 'Twilight' Sucks
My 13-year-old cousin warned me: "The amounts of pain that can be inflicted on those who insult Edward are better left unspoken."
I'm going to brave that pain and say it anyway: Edward is a complete prig.
It's not just that he sneaks into Bella's room to watch her sleep -- that's more stalker than prissy, anyway. It's also not just that he drives a Volvo, the car of choice for priggish drivers who obsess about side airbag safety.
Nor is it that his skin sparkles like gems in the sunlight. However gag-worthy this might be, he can't help it if he has pores that Madonna, Nicole Kidman and other alabaster celebrities would envy.
For me, the last straw really is that he is more obsessed about wedding planning than any groom should be. That makes him a terrible role model for teen girls, who will grow up to face real-life mates who don't know the difference between cummerbunds and canapés, and who will also make rude faces when asked for an opinion on either.
Seriously, though, there's a dark side to priggishness, and that's condescension. Bella and Edward aren't equals. Edward knows it -- he's stronger, his senses are sharper and he's nearly immortal. He constantly has to protect Bella. He even leaves her temporarily to do just that. Bella, meanwhile, settles for a lesser college so she can be with her boyfriend. Augh!
So what does that tell our teen girls to crave? A relationship with someone they worship, rather than someone they can work with through the various challenges of life?
However much I enjoyed the books -- and I read every one, twice -- that's my fundamental concern with them as a parent. Bella constantly needs rescuing and protection. Her vulnerability fuels her desirability, for it's not just a vampire who wants her. A werewolf does, too.
This is where it's worth making a comparison to "Harry Potter." Harry solved his own problems. When he needed rescuing, his friends -- who had complementary talents and courage-quotients -- came to his aid.
Bella doesn't really have friends, at least not among her peers. She hangs out with werewolves and vampires, any one of whom could eat (or drink) her for lunch.
She's as far from being a kick-ass heroine as she can get. She's clumsy and weak. Yes, she has her attractions. She's a devoted daughter who never complains about all the cooking she has to do for her hapless dad.
But girls would be much better off following in Hermione's footsteps. Now there was a girl who could cast a spell, throw a punch, and catch the eye of an international Quidditch star (only to lose interest because he wasn't intellectual enough).
I'm not arguing that every book needs to be the equivalent of a plate of nourishing, raw spinach. I like a cream puff as much as the next person, and possibly even more. We just need to make sure our daughters aren't thinking cream puffs are the best life has to offer. They're the stars of their own life story, and waiting for a handsome guy to bite their necks sounds to me like a tragedy in the making.
LOL I so agree pfft who needs Edward! Oh and for the record here's the website read the whole article it has a good pro section too!!!
Labels: Stephenie Myer
Labels: Melissa Marr
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Well them let me move on. So far Les has gotten the outline for her tattoo and is already feeling the effects of it. She has the Dark Fairy King after her but doesnt' know it and a Summer Fairy after her but doesn't realize it as well. That's about it. So far you know as much as I do. *g*
Labels: Melissa Marr
Monday, July 28, 2008
Okay finished The Tin Star by J.L. Langley last night and I have to say for all the that's not possible OMG moments I had at the beginning I can see why its Jen's favorite. By the end I couldn't put it down and I am seriously suffering from that lack of sleep today. (Memo to Sarai not a good idea to read until 2 on a Sunday night when you know you will be tired anyway on Monday without the extra lack of sleep)

Labels: J.L. Langley, Melissa Marr
Sunday, July 27, 2008
So I am currently reading The Tin Star by J. L. Langley. I loved My Fair Captain and when this book came into my possession I was thrilled to no end. I mean what is sexier then gay cowboys?
So I am on page 90 and so far so good (Of course I have issues but come on name a book I haven't had issues with) Although with M/M I tend to not think about the issues as much as I do with any other type of book. Still not sure why that is?
Any who the plot: So far James (Jamie) Killian has come out to his family who happens to own a ranch where he is the foreman. The one job he has wanted since he was a kid. Okay so he came out and his father blew a gasket kicking him out with nothing. Before he could panic his older brother's best friend Ethan Whitehall gives him a call and tells him he can work for him as well as stay there.
As the story goes on we learn that Jamie's brother and sister are okay with him being gay. Ethan it turns out is gay but in the closet b/c he didn't want the reaction that Jamie rec'd. His father (and by his father i mean Jamie's) is an asshole in more than one way. Ethan is attracted to Jamie and now that he knows he's gay its on like snow? Don't ask.
So far lots of kissing and petting nothing heavy but I have a feeling I have just gotten to that part. Also on Jamie's first night two ranch hands dragged him out of his bunk in the dead of the night to kick his ass for being gay. (Bastards what kind of people do that. I get you don't respect it, or you don't like it but let it be. There is no reason for you get all high and mighty casting stones and beating people up for it.)
Alright off the soap box for now. That's as far as I have gotten. I really enjoy J.L's writting and even though I have a few minor issues (like the fact Ethan is gay but hasn't come out and yet no one has noticed???? in a small town) but its stupid small stuff that doesn't matter. In fact it is not distracting me at all which is a nice change of pace.
Labels: J.L. Langley
Friday, July 25, 2008
I'm on chapter 16 page 210 and nothing. ALL THIS BUILD up for nothing. A list its a freaking List over the perfect man WHO CARES I do that crap all the time (and yes before you ride my butt I am keeping in mind it's 2000 but still) Also the villain NOT so scary DON'T care. The main heroine who is Sam's next door neighbor is ballsy, brass, crude, and doesn't give a crap. But then after 1 (count it 1) kiss she's all boo hoo he didn't call me when he left town, Oh he must have a girl friend how can I be so stupid (HE'S A FREAKING COP UNDERCOVER DETECTIVE NO LESS get a clue he ain't going to call ya ALL THE TIME trust me I know I was married to one) Just b/c he didn't call who cares it was one KISS and dinner (ohhhhhhh) WTF Seriously grow up.
*deep breath* sorry about that but needless to say the heroine is rubbing wrong in all kinds of way. In fact the book is rubbing me wrong. I think it is the wrong genre to begin with (I don't usually read romantic suspense the few I do read suck me in ASAP) well I will give it one more day at lunch (Monday for those of you counting) if something doesn't happen I'm moving on to my first Suzanne Brockman (b/c so many people love her let's see if I can tear it to shreds too *sigh)
In case you can't tell I'm beyond frustrated.
Labels: Linda Howard
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Okay I didn't get to read as much as normal b/c I didn't take a lunch break. I will announce why that is some other time. Right now what is important is the fact that Sam D. is hawt and not just a little hot but he's starting to grow on me and I HATE cops and detectives as heroes (personal thing) but I do enjoy him.
I have gone through the car washing scene and the reporters and I am beginning to wonder if anything is EVER going to happen in this book. Is it suspense or romance. If it is just romance then I am one happy girl b/c I like the intereactions. However, if it is suppose to be suspense I ain't feeling it. AT ALL. I got nothing. Is it ever going to happen? So far a phone call that even I would have blown off with a roll of my eyes and moved on.
Not scary folks. So someone tell me is this a ROMANCE or a SUSPENSE? So that I can approach it with a more open mind.
Labels: Linda Howard
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Now contray to what I have written (it may appear that I am not enjoying the book) Actually its just the opposite b/c Ms. Howard has a way about her writing even when the story was bad (raintree: inferno) I still enjoyed reading it. So I am enjoying the book I just wish it didn't have this huge build up. I mean I'm almost at the half way mark and Nada.... (okay whoops that's a damn lie b/c I'm on page 92) Either way something needs to happen soon b/c I am starting to get bored whens the bad guy going to make an appearence? When's someone going to bite the dust or get a scary note or something for Pete's sake
Labels: Linda Howard
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I felt the ending was rushed after all the build up (don't get me wrong I enjoyed it but it still felt rushed) The epilogue was a nice touch but leads me to believe the next book all 3 siblings will be together if there is a next book (there is isn't there?) I hope there is b/c I want to see the last sister get her HEA. I think she might already have it based on book 1 but I would like to know for certain.
Labels: Eve Kenin
Monday, July 21, 2008
Okay I'm almost done with Hidden (I mean seriously like 20 pages left and isn't that always the case when you read at work. You get right to the end and the OMG action then WHAM lunch break over. Happens all the time to me)
Alright where are we um Ana has figured out that SPOLIER highlight if you wish to see what I am talking about. Tristan is the bad guy she has been looking for but doesn't know what to do with that knowledge. B/c he was bad and worked with Ward but at the same time he isn't bad b/c once he realized what Ward was upto he tried to get out.
SO they team up. Why? b/c Ward has trapped them all in side in hopes that only Ana would survive.
I thought at first it was b/c Ward is obessed with her like the sicko was in the other book but no it's b/c he likes to cut on her. (he's gross and very sick really a great villian pure evil with no qualms about it. Wait did I spell that right?)
Oh and Ana and Tristan have had sex in a hot spring no less (speaking of hot springs what's up with me reading two books in a row with the sex scene in a spring am I missing out on why this is so pleasurable?) Okay like I said I am about 20 pages from the end so will finish over lunch tomorrow and start on the next one. Thinking Mr. Perfect by Linda Howard.... Don't know though b/c it is a library book I will have to read it soon...
Oh as far as reviews are concerned I will try to post them sometime soon *fingers crossed*
Labels: Eve Kenin, Linda Howard
Sunday, July 20, 2008
So I finally decided to dig into an ebook I won over and Lisabea's site because hey its M/M and I was itching for a new one.
So I picked Josh Lanyon's Dangerous Ground. So far so good only on page 16 so not a lot going on. I am getting confused and this is just something I get confused with when it comes to M/M. Keeping them straight (not literally of course) but it revolves around Will and Taylor and well I can't remember who is who. Granted only on page 16 so that will more then likely change as I read on.
I'm hoping to finish this tonight since its a short one only 109 pages if I do I will post my review tomorrow! If not well I'll post it when I finish. Still need to write the review for GG by Sinclair and I hope to finish Hidden tomorrow at lunch.
Anywho so far going good just need to keep the menz seperated.
So I have a new phrase thanks to Josh: WTF literally WTF... That's all I'm saying. and another favorite phrase: although they were probably alarming the hell out of the local wildlife. Hee that one cracks me up! Gawd I love M/M sex scenes just the thought of 2 alpha males trying to figure out whose bottom is enough to having me gasping trying to breathe and then the reaction from the alpha that is bottom priceless...
Okay another line "Words every man dreaded hearing - even coming from another man" Seriously women dread it too but We need to talk never ends in a good way for the listener have you noticed that?
Another thing why is it men can't talk about their feelings huh? I mean what is it in our society that makes men think "Sharing my feelings equals bad?" the whole problem between Will and Taylor would have been solved if they could open up. (then again it wouldn't have been a book if that happened but still)
Alright I'm on page 70ish and the action has kicked up a notch favorite line so far: He struggled against the hysterical giggles threatening to burst out of his throat. It wasn't that funny, for Christ's sake, and he was still in a hell of a lot of trouble.
Okay new phrase busybody bitch LOL OMG that's funny
I really, really, really like Taylor he is funny and very Taylor (IDK? work with it)
Okay finally thoughts I think it was cute short story with action and romance. I like how the guys were guys not all girly. They acted like real men you would meet everyday. I enjoy how they were both openly gay (to a point) so it wasn't one telling the other he was although that story line is fun too~
I did enjoy it and highly recommend to people who like M/M romance!
Labels: Josh Lanyon
Thursday, July 17, 2008
***As always my personal comments are in Green b/c it's my favorite color and because it makes the reviews pretty!***
So I started Hidden last weekend while I was on the little vaca. I started it but kept getting interrupted with things like: eating, shopping (which I couldn't afford), and sleeping. But now that all that crap is out of the way I'm back to reading YEAH!!!!
So I picked up Hidden again and I missed it. Yeah you heard me right I missed reading about Tristian and Tatiana. Quick plot summary or at least where I am out in the plot. Tatiana (from here on out referred to as Ana simply b/c I hate when the hero and heroine have the same first letter in their names) is looking for a Gavin Ward from what I can gather he did some research on her while Ducan Baine (villain from last book) was a live. She is trying to figure out where he is so she can kill him. However, along the way she runs into Tristian (by and by LOVE that name) who is mysterious. We (the readers) have just discovered that Tristian is A LOT older then he appears and is a scientist that may have invented a new virus that is BAD
Okay so Tristian is under the impression that Ana has been infected with the virus and is taking her to his lair (I don't mean in an evil way but a totally gross, underground, dripping pipes way) There she discovers Reavers (which of course made me think of the Reavers from Joss Wheaton's Firefly/Serenity stuff so everytime their mentioned I think of them pierced, scarred and of course UGLY) so there you go. That's as far as I've gotten. I do believe that Ana is putting the pieces together but not nearly fast enough for me.
Oh and Tristian and Ana have kissed it was nice... very innocent and yet full of sexual tension. So there you are I am on page 158 and definately pushing forward...
Labels: Eve Kenin
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Is the 6 finger thing important or a genic error. I mean does the 6 fingers help them out? If not then why was it so important? I mean its not like he didn't stand out on his own or anything... blue hair, gills and pale skin... Anyway if you know the answer help me out. I'm dying to figure it out!
Labels: Linnea Sinclair
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Alright new blog YET again. This time this one is only for Reading and Reviewing NOTHING writing related!
So here we go!
Currently reading: Gabriel's Ghost by Linnea Sinclair
Synopsis according to Goodreads:
Award-winning author Linnea Sinclair brings her special sizzle to science fiction with this action-packed blend of otherworldly adventure and sexy stellar romance.…After a decade of piloting interstellar patrol ships, former captain Chasidah Bergren, onetime pride of the Sixth Fleet, finds herself court-martialed for a crime she didn’t commit–and shipped off to a remote prison planet from which no one ever escapes. But when she kills a brutal guard in an act of self-defense, someone even more dangerous emerges from the shadows.Gabriel Sullivan–alpha mercenary, smuggler, and rogue–is supposed to be dead. Yet now this seductive ghost from Chaz’s past is offering her a ticket to freedom–for a price. Someone in the Empire is secretly breeding jukors: vicious and uncontrollable killing machines that have long been outlawed. Gabriel needs Chaz to help him stop the practice before it decimates Imperial space. The mission means putting their lives on the line–but the tensions that heat up between them may be the riskiest part of all
Thoughts so far:
I'm digging it. At first it was hard to get into. I love fantasy and romance but Sci/Fi is hard to read with all the technical stuff and new languages then you add in the new creatures and species and sometimes I get lost. But not Ms. Sinclair she does an excellent job at sucking you into her world that makes you feel as if you have been there all along.
Chaz is a heroine I am digging I like that she can take care of herself, she has some flaws but who doesn't and she is accepting (she might be slow at it but when the facts are there she takes it in, thinks on it and makes her decision.) A girl after my own heart.
As far as Sully I am starting to understand him better. At first I thought he was this cocky ego guy who was after the chase (yes I know its romance which equals HEA) but there you go. Now his secrets are being unraveled and I find that I like him more and more. And WOW there are some hot scenes. Whew!
Labels: Linnea Sinclair
1. Fool Moon by Jim Butcher
2. Kiss of Midnight by Lara Adrian
3. Lady of Light and Shadow by C L Wilson
4. Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin
5. The Hazards of Hunting a Duke by Julia London
6. 45 Master Characters: Mythic Models for Creating Original Characters by Victoria Lynn Schmidt
7. The Down Home Zombie Blues by Lianne Sinclair
8. Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon
9. Emtion Structure: Creating a story beneath the plot by Peter Dunne
10. Midnight Alley: Morganville Vamps book 3 by Rachel Caine
11. Beg for Mercy by Toni Andrews
12. A Caress of Twilight by Laurell K. Hamilton
13. Netherwood by Michelle Lang
14. Wired by Liz Maverick
15. The Warlord's Mistress by Julie London
16. River by Skyla Dawn Cameron (Christine your daughter might really enjoy this!!!)
17. Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake Graphic Novel
18. Night Embrace by Sherrilyn Kenyon
19. Dance with the Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon
20. Inner Drives: How to write and create characters... by Pamela Jayne Smith
21. Your Novel Proposal: From creation to Contract by Blythe Camenson
22. On Writing by Stephen King
23. Passionate Ink by Angela Knight
24. Forensic and Fiction by DP Lyle
25. Writer's Complete Fantasy Reference by Terry Brooks
26. The Romance Writer's Handbook by Rebecca Vineyard
27. Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank
28. Black Magic Woman by Justin Gustainis
29. Nauti Boy by Lora Leigh
30. Nauti Nights by Lora Leigh
31. Grave Peril by Jim Butcher
32. Drive by Eve Kenin
33. Your First Novel by Ann Rittenberg
34. Writing and Selling your mystery novel by Hallie Ephron
***35. Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews***
36. Naked in Death by JD Robb
37. Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
***38. Cinematic Royalty by Isabelle Santigo***
39. Glory in Death by JD Robb
40. The Defiant Mistress by Claire Thornton
41. Fatal Shadow by Josh Lanyon
42. Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino
43. Resenting the Hero by Moira Moore
44. Magic Lost, Trouble Found by Lisa Shearin
45. Kiss of Crimson by Lara Adrian
46. Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris
47. Millennium Snow Vol. 1 by Bisco Hatori
48. Millennium Snow Vol. 2 by Bisco Hatori
49. The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly
50. Raintree: Inferno by Linda Howard
51. Desperately Seeking a Duke by Celeste Bradley
52. Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase
53. Sugar Daddy by Lisa Kleypas
54. Demon Angel by Meljean Brook
55. Kiss of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon
56. The Duke Next Door by Celeste Bradley
57. Blood Alone Vol. 1 by Masayuki Takano
58. Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas
59. My Fair Captain by J L Langley
60. Dangerous Games by Lora Leigh
***61. City of Secrets by KATIE REUS***
62. Immortal in Death by JD Robb
63. Raintree: Haunted by Linda Winstead Jones
64. Heaven Sent by Jet Mykles
65 The Duke of Shadow by Meredith Duran
66. Heaven Sent Vol. 2 by Jet Mykles
67. The Courage To Love by Samantha Kane
68. The Last Hellion by Loretta Chase
69. Heaven Sent: Genesis by Jet Mykles
70. A Dangerous Thing by Josh Lanyon
71. Vampire Knight Vol. 2 by Matsuri Hino
72. On the Prowl anthology ONLY PATRICIA BRIGGS
73. Encyclopedia of the Undead by Bob Curran
74. Tech Support by Jet Mykles
75. The World Without us by Alan Weisman
76. The Hell You Say by Josh Lanyon
77. Dark Thirst by Sara Reinke
78. Visions of Heat by Nalini Singh
79. The Temple Dancer by John Speed
80. Duke Most Wanted by Celeste Bradley
81. Night Play by Sherrilyn Kenyon
82. Gabriel's Ghost by Linnea Sinclair
83. Dangerous Ground by Josh Lanyon
84. Ever by Gasil Carson Levine
85. Hidden by Eve Kenin
86. The Tin Star by J. L. Langley
87. Mr. Perfect by Linda Howard
88. Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr
89. Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
90. Oh George by Christiane France
91. Dark Elves by Jet Mykles
92. Scandalous Again by Christina Dodd
93. I am Legend by Richard Matheson
94. Low Red Moon by Caitlin Kiernan
95. Hex Appeal by Linda Wisdom
96. One Kiss From You by Christina Dodd
97. Sword of Darkness by Kinley MacGregor
98. The Lady Flees Her Lord by Michele Ann Young
99. Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir
Labels: Books read in 2008